The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


3 June 2024

Press Coverage

 PTC Garden was featured in an article on topiary in Prima Magazine.  Whilst not entirely accurate in every detail, it did mention Chris by name and also the National Garden Scheme. Pity it didn't say that we open by arrangement or mention our Augsut opening date.

20 May 2024

Pond Re-Arrangements!


Having just about recovered from open gardens, it was time to have a tidy up around the pond perimeter.  We decided the time had come to move the stone wheels where they could be seen and not leave them hidden beneath roaming Symphitum.  Our Chris lugged them around to the foot of the pond and carefully arranged them in a group of three.  Around their base, he planted some Mind-your-own-business (Soleriolia helixine).  Of course, this left a gap in the Symphitum at the head of the pond.  Enter Termite Rock!  To ensure this isn't obscured by Symphitum, we built up a volcano-like tcaldera and sat it on top!  The rock is actually bigger (and heavier!) then my photo suggests.

Today, I've just finished dividing and planting some Lobelias (Cardinalis) in the damp margins and some Quaking Grass (Briza media) where the soil is drier. Fingers crossed!

15 May 2024


 A perfect sunny day in May with the scent of Wisteria drifing on a gentle breeze, 270 visitors poured into the garden!  Helpers were overrun with queues for teas meanwhile, I was only just keeping up with arriving visitors queueing at the gate.

We thoroughly enjoyed the musical delights of Barrels and Bells Clarinet Choir. The highlight of the day was a young autistic boy who delighted everyone by giving an impromptu performance on our yachting piano in the conservtory.  It transpired he'd played for the King and at Highrove!!

Meanwhile, across the lane in Sandra's garden, she and Pat were also busy. Plants were flying off the tables raising £1200.00 for Wichenford Church.

As the event was coming to a close, storm clouds gathered and a thunderstom passed over. It provided a dramatic end  to the day and when everyone had gone home the sun came out, the birds sang and the now refreshed garden  returned to its usual quiet and tranquil state! A prefect end to a successful day.

The clearing up could wait!!

A very BIG thank you to ALL helpers and supporters!!!

29 April 2024



Despite this interminal cold weather,at least the ground is showing signs of drying up - at long long last.  The sun has rarely shine but when it has, the garden looks quite springlike!!  Weeding has been a nightmare as the soil has been far too wet to hoe and so the weeds grew too big to hoe!!  Now it panic weeding!!

It's been too wet to finish mulching the borders with compost and, for the first time ever, compost remains in one bay.  Having said that, the Wisteria is colouring up, the Dogwoods are flowering and we're loving the limey greens of the Smrynium Perfoliatums - all 15 of them!! 

Hopefully, we can catch up and the sun shines on 12th May!!

Meanwhile check out a spring garden medley: LOOKS LIKE SPRING!

4 April 2024

12th May - Save the Date!!

 Looking ahead to our first Open Garden for the National Garden Scheme on 12th May 2024, there is exciting news!!

Pat and Sandra will be hosting a BUMPER PLANT BONANZA across the lane in Sandra's garden at Maranatha.  This is being held in aid of St. Laurence Church, Wichenford.

As if that wasn't exciting enough: Barrels & Bells Clarinet Choir will be making a return visit to our garden to serenade visitors in the sunshine! Morning coffees and homemade afternoon teas will be served in this award winning and Wisteria nominated garden.

The warmest of welcomes is guaranteed not to mention cakes to die for!!

4 March 2024


 Having been in desperate need of a really LARGE amount of wood chip for so long, we finally got lucky when Janine found a tree surgeon working locally who so kindly dropped off a load of ash chippings.  I wasn't expecting snow on the very day planned to distribute it - or an injury!  Chris tackled the job alone working in rain sleet snow even mini blizzards!  He's such a hero!

What a difference it's made! After the world's wettest winter and the old wood chip now decomposed, paths were just very muddy and far less defined.

The Woodland Border pathwith its newlog edging is now transformed as is the Aspen Grove seat and Nutberry Noak.  I even found a bag of dark bark to do a contrast path to the seat - even though this layout is only temporary while bindweed eradication occurs this year.

29 February 2024

War Declared!

Down in Nutberry Noak - our little fruit patch, the raspberries were well and truly defeated by bindweed.  We tried for 3 years but in the end bindweed won! Shallow rooted raspberries are no match for the deep rooted bindweed.

So it's all out WAR!  The raspberries and goosberries have been dug up. All traces of bind weed in their root systems (tediously) removed and they have been planted elsewhere for a whole year. The soil was all levelled and a seat placed in the corner.  The plan is to mulch with wood chip and leave fallow for the year. This will allow me 12 months to treat and eradicate ALL traces of bindweed.  Luckily the rhubarb and current bushes are not affected.  

Next year, we plan to replant in a bindweed free zone!  Meanwhile, our little fruit patch is looking a tad strange and bereft!