The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


7 February 2025


This week saw the beginning of a new era as we welcomed Andrew to PTC Garden. After 20 years he has replaced Chris who left last September. Andrew lives locally and is a countryman.  He comes with planty of experience and even brought sunshine on his first day.  His garden favourites are the early flowering plants  - snowdrops and Hellebores and so has arrived at the perfect time of year. 

However, it was straight in at the deep as he got stuck in to organising the compoast bays.  Last spring was so wet, we hadn't completely emptied the one bay and I had compost of differing vintages in both bays!  In no time at all, it was all sorted and much mulching of  borders completed.  He took great care of the lawn by laying down boards to avoid wheelbarrow ruts. 

As if that wasn't enough, we had a huge bonfire and disposed of the montains of tulip tree brash plus lots of other trimmings.

24 January 2025

Pruning and Pollarding.

 Who says there's not much to do in te garden in winter??

Even with other ongoing indoor and outdoor building/decorating projects, time was found for pollarding ornamental trees and fruit tree pruning.  First up was the Liriodendron (Tulip Tree).  

This tree was first pollarded back in 2013 and then again in 2019.  If left, it casts much shade on some favourite roses adjacent to the terrace and it generally romps away into the Magnolia and over the well.  This year with a new expert on the job, we found
some damage to the bark in areas and also the heartwood didn't look a picture of health.  The decision was made to reduce its height further thus lessening the stress on its root system.  

As is usual with trees, clearing up the brash and logs took far longer than the actual pollarding!  I'm sorley tempted to plant a climber against it but the don't want to hamper future pollarding!  Desisions! DECISIONS! At when it comes to pear tree pruning there are no difficulet decisions and as for our apple tree, ALL decisions were left to the expert!!  The young apple is a Bramley grafted on to a Lord Hindlip.  Hopefully it will be groaning under the weight of fruit later on in the year !!

19 January 2025

Despite January Gloom!

 It's been days and days of mist, murk and gloom - so much so, indoor lights have been on as it's been barely light! How satisfying then to have a solitary sunny day to enjoy a good old sort out and tidy up in the greenhouse.  Despite a hot mat and fan heater (used only to keep the temperature above freezing) the rest of the greenhouse is dripping with moisture and condensation which, of course, Pelargoniums absolutely hate!! With the hot mat used for plants propagated in the autumn, I always wish it was twice the size!  Hours were spent tidying plants and picking off the dead and dying leaves and then having a thorough sweep up.  So far - so good and no great losses.

Elsewhere in the garden Hellebores are popping up and snowdrops are just beginning to emerge. Nearly all the deciduous ferns have been cut back and before long, Epimediums will have the same treatment.

12 January 2025


Despite very frosty weather with the ground absolutely solid, the sunshine has appeared and allowed me to prune the Studio Wisteria, do yet more leaf clearance and admire the siver birches!  I even found a couple more unusual Wisterias in a sale!  In the greenhouse my Pelargonium cuttings are thriving on their hot mat.  Elsewher in the greenhouse, it really is green with algae and condensation everywhere.  I wonder if anyone has ever tried a dehumidifier in a greenhouse as I'm tempted to try.

In this wintry weather, the birches are a real joy and I forgive them their untidy habits of dropping seeds and twigs just E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!!  This one is Silver Queen and has creamier coloured and shaggier bark than the Jaquemontiis.  For the first time, this season I used a power washer to remove all the accumulations of green algae.  It was so succesful, I've resolved to repeat the practice and go even higher using the Niwaki steps instead of the small step ladder.  It was worth disentangling all the extension cables, hose pipes and power washer lines!!

18 December 2024

New Miracle Gardening Tool!

 Here we are in December and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't missing my loyal and longstanding gardening companion of 20 years: Chris Pugh who left suddenly last September. However nothing lasts forever and life moves on and all of those over used phrases! 

I've actually been really enjoying border clearance thanks to 3 dry days and a new miracle gardening implement!

I don't enjoy looking out on soggy brown mushy stalks in winter.  Pretty shots of seed heads in the frost and food for birds is a myth here.  The seeds are long gone and the rain and storms have battered what remains.  On excellent recommendation I bought a Niwaki mini scythe and WHAT a game changer indeed.  Border clearance was a breeze and done in far less than half the usual time.  If honest, I was slightly daunted at doing it all alone but really need not have worried thanks to Tammy at Stockton Bury for her recommendation! wasn't just the Dragon Borders that were cleared and tidied, oh no!  I could hardly stop and put it down.  Even ELH himself came out and gasped at my progress!

Well done Niwaki!! For £14.00 it's a Miracle Tool!!

Dragon Borders all cleared.

24 November 2024

Intense Autumn Colour

We've really enjoyed such a fabulous intensity of autumn colour in the garden this year so here's a link to lots more: 

November colour