The spring flowers are blooming and the trees heavy with blossom. Queue strong winds and lashing rain and glacial temperatures - a drop from 20 to 8 degrees C. in just a few days - winter is back in town and the lawns are strewn in petals and tender young leaves which have been just whipped off the trees in the vicious gusts of winds. These 2 photos disguise the cold temperatures and the fact that 2" of snow fell in Shropshire - our neighbouring county!
Towards the Hennery |
Towards the Pear Arch |
We are back to one Chris on Saturdays and we started by moving the urns to their summer places and carrying some of the tender plants out of the greenhouse. It was just too cold and too wild to bring out Pelargoniums and standard Fuschias but we did make sufficient room for a few tomato plants. Having done that, we set about laying out the very, very last of the York flag stone remains between the Pear Arch and the Hennery. When the trees are in full leaf, the grass there is quite shaded and in winter, it is wet and is prone to excessive erosion from trips to the compost heap. I cut round each stepping stone and Chris dug out sections of turf and set each stone in its place - carefully and patiently cutting out strips of turf to fill in around and between them. I busied myself re-defining all the edges in that area - weeding and tidying as I went. The last job of the day was to spend 20 minutes dead-heading the dandelions whilst waiting for our selective dandelion killer to arrive. We picked half a bucketful each and with a whole bucket last week that zillions and zillions of seeds that won't be blowing around and seeding everywhere!
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