Believe it or not: a whole two years has elapsed since Chris last topped the conifers (Cupressus Leylandii) so it was time to repeat the exercise. With climbing gear and chainsaw in hand, Chris ventured forth, well, ventured up actually. He worked steadily dropping the off cuts while I lugged and stoked! Even 2 years growth was a pretty big job and once down on the ground, I was convinced that the offcuts had quadrupled in volume and weight. Their untopped neighbours are now at least 60 feet tall. It's not even nice to burn because it's so resinous and sticky. So rather than log it up, it was time to light a bonfire and did we ever have a good bonfire!!! It burned for 2 days!
Lugging all the heavy offcuts uphill to the bonfire got a tad wearing as there was further and further to drag them as the day wore on and it was all uphill. All this went on well after dark and again the following day but, all is now neat and tidy once again. When all is cold, the wood ash will be composted. The other bonus was interesting shots of sunlight piercing the smoke, leaping flames and clouds of sparks not to mention a view of a fab sunset again. All in all: a super worthwhile job.
More interesting photos of sunlight through smoke and sparks against the night sky can be seen at:
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