The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


30 August 2017


I can now report that our Twilight Garden by Candlelight event was a roaring success and easily broke all previous records! We enjoyed having over 300 visitors who ate every crumb of cake and drank every drop of wine. We cleared an astounding 
- more than three times last year's total. All this will go to the National Garden Scheme which supports all the really caring charities.

A big thank you to all the ladies (and in this case, gentlemen too!) who made delicious cakes, helped serve teas and wash up. Another big thank you to Chris and Ian who lit hundreds of candles in perfect weather conditions making the garden look like a magical fairy tale garden! It's not a five minute job lighting so many candles and placing them all out AND finding time to make a couple of Swedish log candles and lighting them too! Thank you also to the local media who helped promote our event and, lastly - a big thank you to all our visitors who turned out to support the event and make it the great success it was! 

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