Despite lockdown and isolation, garden work continues apace. The big shrubs overwintering in the greenhouse are all now outside as are Agapanthus, Lemona, Pistachio and Brugmansia - fingers crossed: no late frosts! The tomato bed is all prepared and their cane framework all erected. Our tomato plant supplier: CF Genever Tomato Specialist Supplier has come up trumps with 8 different varieties so the race is on to see who picks the first fruit!!
At the other end of the garden, the compost bay is now empty and creosoted and borders are all mulched. Potatoes in the vegetable patch are popping up as are radish, broad beans, carrots and peas. Runner beans have been sown and lettuce plants all pricked out. Owing to a lack of seed, parsley and basil plants from supermarkets have been acquired, divided up and repotted. Needs must!
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