The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


30 August 2015

Darth Wader Strikes Back!

Chris filling up the pond!
Darth Wader
It was the last Saturday before our last open gardens and a major pond clearance was under way.  Chris was in waders in the deepest part of the pond surrounded by waterlilies when he managed to disturb a wasp's nest in the bank!  Suddenly he was under attack by swarms of furious wasps.  There was a humungus amount of splashing as he made his escape through the water lilies and back on to dry land but not before they stung his arm.  I was despatched to deal with the nest and managed to crawl under the Acer and dispense copious amounts of wasp killing powder in the nest entrance.  The nest was left overnight and today, work recommenced with not a wasp in sight!  

The pond had a thorough tidy and top up and all lights checked. Dave of DSM Electrical Installations fame even turned out on a Bank Holiday weekend to fix the light in the culvert.  What a star!! So........we're nearly ready for tomorrow night.  I did say 'nearly' as we have to set up the conservatory and then hope for dry weather!

Corking champagne!

Having spent the day raking, mowing, tidying, weeding, trimming and strimming - yawn, we tested out - (purely for purposes of evaluation you understand!) a rather fine bottle of English champagne made just up the road and provided by Chris.  It was amazingly delicious and as it was made in such small quantities, it didn't even have a label.  Anyway it was quite the most perfect end to a busy and tiring day in the garden.  Even the sunset didn't let us down! 

29 August 2015

New gravel for the drive

2 days to go before our open garden evening and 4 tons of gravel is dropped on the drive.  Thanks to expert tipping by Rob Thomas (one of Chris G's bonsai chums!), raking wasn't so very laborious although all 3 of us took turns.  I mostly raked round in circles!  Chris did the best job although I was OK in the small tricky areas by the wall!  It did look a whole lot better and, we have to hand it to he who decreed 4 tons was the amount needed!  ( I was tempted to ring and say it was not nearly enough!)  4 tons actually was the exact amount required for about a 1- 1 1/2 inch top up! Oh to have brains!!

26 August 2015

The Demise of Henny Penny

The late Miss Henny Penny

It's with a heavy heart that I have to report the sad death of Henny Penny.  She was found unwell yesterday and had picked up a respiratory condition.  She died overnight and had even laid an egg prior to departing this world - gulp!  Surprising that such a healthy, weighty chicken could be overwhelmed so very quickly. Now our little flock is down to 4.  We won't replace her immediately as we know from experience that the remaining four would terrorize a new 'intruder'.  We'll wait until we can home a minimum of 2 and gradually introduce them as before.

In my view, Henny Penny was the most beautiful of the five and also the shyest and least arrogant.  We will miss her super dark brown eggs!

21 August 2015

"Chance to see award-winning Worcestershire garden in a different light."

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 Our last open garden evening for the National Garden Scheme is drawing ever nearer, our local paper has given the event a little publicity - see   Pear Tree Cottage Garden in the news!.  We also have Sarah Winton coming in the 'Daisy Bus.  She plans to drive around the area and help to advertise our event.  Sarah has spent the summer driving around the country and helping gardeners who open their gardens for the National Gardens Scheme.  What amazing thing to do!!!  We are very much looking forward to meeting her. 

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Sarah Winton and the Daisy Bus!

17 August 2015

'Contact the Elderly' Tea Party

On Sunday we hosted a small tea party for Contact the Elderly.  This is an extremely worthwhile charity and although it's 50 years old, few people have ever heard of it.  It's aim is to give less mobile elderly people living alone a break from their solitary and lonely lives by bringing them out to the homes of hosts who are willing to give them afternoon tea.  Perfectly simple and easy to do. They were a perfectly delightful group of ladies and it was a pleasure to entertain them and their volunteer drivers.  Luckily it was warm enough for them to be served tea in the garden and even have a walk round.  One lady even remembered coming last year and spotted the fact that this year's figs aren't nearly as ripe yet.  More hosts and drivers are being sought in and around the Worcester area.

Working with Wood - dead and alive.

This Saturday it was logs, logs and MORE logs.  Moving dried logs from the log seasoner, sweeping it all out and re-stacking these dried and seasoned logs in the log store was our first move. Then came the sawing, splitting, loading, lugging and stacking the 2 tons of Sycamore tree that Chris and Kyle dropped off on Thursday!  We finished the lot and there was still enough time to finish pollarding the ornamental cherry which we started last Saturday.  It looks a tad bare for now but the Herb Garden now has lots of much needed light and the cherry  will be kept in check.  After all this - did we feel smug or what?