The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


24 September 2015

Homemade Lanterns

These are some lanterns I made from old tins - easy, free and VERY pretty at night.  I found a log which fitted inside the tin and clamped it in the workshop vice at an angle so that when the tin was placed over the end, it didn't slide off.  A hammer and a nail was all that was needed - oh and some patience! I couldn't get them down to less than 20 minutes per lantern and I made 15!!  I have decided to leave them hanging on Rob's Retreat so that they will rust naturally.  Holes in the base will mean they don't fill up with water.  Do I need to say that they need tea lights to work?

Apple Harvesting around Pear Tree Cottage

Summer is officially over as today is the autumnal equinox.  The apple harvest is in full swing all around Pear Tree Cottage.

 The trees had their apples shaken off on Saturday and all the apples were harvested today. It's sort of comforting to hear the sound of tractors busy nearby and, living where we do, one is very conscious of the seasons and their differing tasks.  We had Canadian family on a lightning (rugby!) visit who were very interested in the apple harvest - hence the video for Don as he missed the bits he would have liked to have seen.  

21 September 2015

It's all guess work!

Apple Juice Competition

Guess how many (.75cl) bottles of apple juice will be produced from the 3 trugs of apples in the photograph!

We have quite a few entries so far this year and the prize?  Well fresh apple juice of course!

The Perfect Day continues..............

Even Chris looks mellow!
Chief Stoker at work!

Well, we did actually get some work done on our 'Perfect Day!'  The Hawthorns, Roses and Clematis down by the Hennery all had their annual prune and, as usual, I was Chief Ladder Holder and got all the prunings in my hair and down my neck! AND to make things worse, as I'm the only one with the camera to hand, it never looks as if I do a thing!  When the grass dried off, I did all the mowing while Chris clipped the Holly and Acer round the pond (always a bit tricky on the pond side!) and Al had a monster bonfire and burned all the brash which was a large amount - as usual!  The egg on top of the Hennery is revealed once again and has been released from the clutches of the Clematis which scrambles over it. (Scrambling over an egg??!)  That tiny speck on the distant rose bush in the photo below is a giant egg in a wire mesh nest which sits on the apex of the Hennery roof! 
It was dusk when all was finished and time for a well earned drink!

All neat & tidy.

Perfect Day!

On the most perfect autumn day, there was time to wander around the garden with the camera before getting down to some more serious work this Saturday!  Yes, I know the 'Season of mists & mellow fruitfulness' is almost over quoted but it IS that season with a divine misty start and a perfect light all day.  Because of the heavy morning dews, mowing has to wait until later in the day - an even better excuse for a somewhat slower start to a usually full on day!  Apple harvesting is in full swing in the surrounding orchard and it was nice to stop and have a word with the man of the moment who was busy shaking the apples of each tree ready for collection & lugging to Ledbury for pressing..  The Sedums & Michaelmas Daisies are all at their best and are just covered in tens of thousands of bees and butterflies.

18 September 2015

Website/Blog Being Updated!

It's time for a change and the blog is undergoing some updates.  We have new backgrounds and templates and hope to achieve a refreshing new look!  In time I hope to look more in tune with the seasons but, for now, we are beginning with the spring backdrop of a pear blossom shot I took earlier this year.

16 September 2015

PTC Garden in the news again.

Worcester News

Cathy Ansty has written a piece about our fund raising this year  Check out the link and note the dates for next year!