The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


21 September 2018

As Autumn Steals Summer!

Before the storms.

The signs in the garden are: things are beginning to slow down and there's more than a hint of autumn. The usual seasonal jobs get done but somehow, there's less pressure. Before the recent spate of high winds, squalls and heavy rain, we had some wonderful sunny, still and almost silent days. Nothing stirred and colours just glowed. Dahlias, Zinnias, Rudbeckias, Echinaceas and Chrysanthemums have all provided their late bursts of colour but are now pretty battered by these high winds. The lawns are covered in leaves and debris with more stormy weather expected.

Hedychium gardnerianum
As the tomatoes were all picked and their framework removed from the greenhouse, I was able to move the Chrysanths in out of the the gales. They have provided the house with lots of cut flowers and all with excellent vase life.  The gingers (Hedychium gardnerianum) have provided a great show this year with record numbers of blooms and spectacular perfume. Worth a trip to the greenhouse just to inhale their perfume! The apples in the surrounding orchards are being harvested and the leaves are beginning to turn. As the days grow shorter and the evening lengthen, we look forward to cosy evenings scanning bulb catalogues and planting for colour and scent next spring!

Sheltered from the storms.
Definitely autumnal!

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