The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


20 May 2018

Project Pergola!

Weighing things up!
Standing tall!

For the past few Saturdays, we've been working on another garden project (no surprises there!)  We've been replacing the old pergola with some chestnut hop poles. The original 3"x3" pine was showing signs of rot and because they were shorter than is ideal, had also began to move and disturb the stones in the dry stone retaining wall. These hop poles are 9'x5" and are much deeper. Not only will the chestnut last MUCH longer but it also looks much more rustic. We even managed to cleave the braces and Chris very cleverly cut all sorts of difficult notches and angles which was super tricky on timber not square or straight! There was also an unauthorised photographer sneaking around the garden! Incidentally, we're standing on 'steppy-ups' which makes it look very low. In reality, we can walk beneath it!

Viewed from the top terrace.

Having cut down the Amandii clematis, I shall be much more strict with it in future. It will not be allowed it to scramble among the Wisteria again. Wisteria rules at PTC! 

Meanwhile, the other Chris was slaving away waging war on ivy and moving last year's compost from one bay to the other - both heavy and lumbering jobs. He finished off by cutting the Beech hedge before, we all called it a day and enjoyed well deserved drinks & dinner in the garden a l'Al!!

Viewed from the orchard

16 May 2018

Winter Survivor Thriving!!

Dicksonia antarctica thriving after its first winter in the ground!

The tree fern has not just survived its very first winter outdoors and in the ground but is looking really healthy. We planted it out early summer last year and watered it well all season. In late autumn we really wrapped it up well with underfelt, its own fronds, straw, an inverted pot tray (to keep water out of its crown) and finally the top layer: a coffee sack! 

It just became tooooooo heavy to keep lifting in and out of the greenhouse! In fact, it wasn't just a case of lifting in and out. Because of the huge spread of fronds it needed to be elevated so that space beneath could be utilised.

On trend tree fern winter wear!

14 May 2018

An Ocean of Pink Perfume!

A distant Woodbury Hill

Well, considering the spring we've had this year, the garden isn't looking too bad.  Even if it was, the apple blossom surrounding it makes up for any/everything.  It's a sea of pink perfume! It really is a perfect garden back drop and as for scent.....! I only wish I could bottle it!

View from our bedroom

7 May 2018

Fishy Newcomers!

Chris at work

Following a serious pond pump fail and all garden electrics being knocked out, a new one was ordered and Chris came and installed another replacement.  Now it's not easy working off a narrow ladder and the pump has to be installed in a plastic crate and weighted down with bricks which would easy to throw a chap off balance. Despite being ready with the camera, balance was maintained. 

Each item inside the crate had to be wired into its place to ensure there's no movement which might restrict the float switch. All went 'swimmingly' and  Chris then explained that an elderly acquaintance of his was seeking to re-home his fish. The upshot of this was Al arriving home yesterday afternoon with 7 (yes, 7!!) buckets full of fish!!  Suddenly the water in the pond was boiling with fish. Not having any knowledge of fish keeping, I wonder how our native pond fish will cope and if we should expect more visits from Monsieur Le 'Eron!

The weird thing about the newcomers was the fact that they kept swimming around in the most turbulent areas of water with some throwing themselves up on to the pebbled beach area then struggling to get themselves back in the water again!

4 May 2018

Save the Date!

Beating the Weather!

Cornus florida
Pieris forest flame
A recycled chair!

Cowslip (Primula veris) upstaging some  Purple Saxifrage

After the appalling spring weather we've suffered it's good to see a few things looking good in the garden. Actually, I'd say it's more a relief!!  It's definitely the year of the cowslip as our lanes are just carpeted in them and there has been much comment locally. The wild ones in the garden are no exception. A Pieris forest flame looks more like a raging inferno up on the top terrace even on a dull day!

In the Top Lawn Border, the Geums have really bulked up and spread out and make very pleasing underplanting for their arboreal neighbours as well as perfect weed suppressants!

It looks like the weather is actually warming up and maybe, just maybe, spring will be here to stay!
Geum tequila sunrise

3 May 2018


Just as the pond is settling down following very recent major rock placements, intensive weed removal, replanting and some very serious titivating..............the pump gives up the ghost. BIG SIGH!!!!  

A new one (gulp!) is on order and will hopefully be installed on Saturday. Meanwhile, I'm consoling myself with the fact that the broken pump has lasted 4 years and 1 month and it it's run for 8 hours a day so maybe I shouldn't complain.  It's just very BAD timing!

Here we have Chris installing the now broken pump: Pond Pump Installation 2014  Much water under the jetty!!

Looking settled

30 April 2018

Lighting up with Leaves!

Arum italicum Marmoratum
On yet another dark and freezing cold spring day, it was a variety of leaves that stood out. The daffodils are fading fast and maybe that's why they all caught my eye on such a dark day. It was exciting to find a single Smyrnium as I've been trying to establish a small colony in the Woodland Border for a few years and it's taking ages. Still, there's only a single plant. I understand that these plants are a triennial and that once established, they'll be everywhere. I wish I could speed them up - we need their lime green colours in a shady border on a really dark day.

Also of interest is the highly poisonous Veratrum with its concertina-like leaves.  These were a present and I can't wait for them to flower down in our Poison Patch.  I understand that the sap was used by Indians on their arrow tips. Leaf well alone, I say!!

Pulmonaria Blue Ensign

Epimedium perralchicum Frohnleiten


Smyrnium perfoliatum

29 April 2018

Rocking Around the Pond!

Finished pond with its newly placed rocks!
Chris levelling the Sarracenia pot

Despite the sulking dark skies and sullen clouds to say nothing of the incessant drizzle and freezing temperatures, most of Saturday was spent around the pond with Chris moving exceptionally heavy rocks and boulders and me shouting, 'Left a bit. Left a bit more!'  The very biggest and heaviest rock had always been a bit of a historical garden landmark as, since time immemorial, it had resided in the top of the Woodland Border - quite a trek from the pond!  Chris managed to roll it on to a sack truck and drag it to the pond before rolling it uphill on a wet and slippery wooden plank into position.  Well done Chris!

Other jobs done were to divide and  plant some hardy Geraniums and also plant out Lilies-of-the-Valley, move a Eucalyptus and some huge clumps of Nerines.  It was pretty heavy (pun intended) wet and miserable going in freezing temperatures.  Last Saturday in was in the 70's and yesterday it was way down in single figures.  Little wonder we Brits are always droning on about our weather!!  Where exactly did spring go??

It doesn't look much here but this was the heaviest rock of all!