The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


17 October 2021

Radical but Super-Efficient Saturday!


Having been away for a couple of weeks, there was no stopping Chris this weekend!  He strimmed all the meadow grass, raked it up and lugged it to the compost heap,  I weeded and edged around the tree bases and then it was time for the big change!  Out with a really badly placed apple tree (now grafted and growing away happily on its neighbour) and out with a fruitless, miserable and diseased cherry tree! 

 Both were obscuring our fabulous views across the valley and both will now help keep us warm over winter!  We're now awaiting the arrival of Chris avec stump grinder.  In the meantime, a bird house sits on the cherry stump and a mini theatre with players on the apple stump!

Here we have before and after and our restored view!!

Harvesting our First Szechuan Peppercorns!


Chris wouldn't allow the first ever Szechuan peppercorn harvest to happen without photographic evidence!!  They are now drying on the kitchen windowsill.
This extremely thorny shrub was planted about 2 years ago and was bought in a sale for £3 when it was about 18" tall.  It not only recovered from its pot bound state but has thrived.

14 October 2021

The REALLY Perfumed Garden!


Colours are beginning to change and leaf drop has well and truly begun.  It's very definitely autumn now! 

I'm so pleased to have so much scent in the garden at this time of year.  We have an Eleagnus down by the Compost Yard which is a joy to walk past.    Along the Fernery Path is a Heptacodium which is just blasting out fragrance from its tiny flowers! Actually, both these shrubs have such tiny flowers and yet the perfume just blasts out!  Totally worth bottling!  

Also by the back door is an elevated pot of Cyclamen - not quite at nose height but, again a seriously wonderful whiff when passing.  I promise you - another perfume worth bottling!

12 October 2021

Adding Accessories to the Outdoor Kitchen!

 I've been given a few more accessories for what's fast becoming an outdoor kitchen in the Herb Garden.  Since the old cast iron range was installed, I've acquired an old enamelled saucepan, some old cast iron scales and weight, a flat iron and, most recently, a little brass kettle!  The Pelargonium which has provided the flames all summer long is due to spend the winter back in the safety of the greenhouse and remerge next year.  Now I need to think of something to mimic flames over winter!  Ideas?

Accessorising the mini outdoor kitchen!

Dragon Border Progress.

 The days are getting noticeably shorter but we've been lucky weatherwise enjoying warm sunny days.  The new Dragon Borders have been very successful and we've enjoyed prolonged colour since May.  As few things need moving around to optimise heights and planting a Mexican sunflower (Tithonia) at the front was never going to work!  However, the flowered its heart out and the bees loved it!  At the moment the Phlox are over and the Rudbeckia are fading. However, the  Hesperanthus are following on with a blaze of colour and the Penstemons are still going strong, A couple of low growing Michaelmas daisies are also ablaze and probably need moving further forward as does a Scabious.  Note to self: support the Hesperanthus MUCH earlier! Left photo taken this week. Right photo taken in August. 

Bottom photo demonstrates the wisdom of supporting plants early and not allowing them to flop on the grass!

24 September 2021


  We had a few successes in the homecraft and produce sections at this year's annual Stoke Bliss & District Ploughing Match,  We came home with a total of 3 x 1st's, 5 x 2nd's and 2 x 3rd's!  That's a  surprisingly respectable number of prize cards.

My homemade garden book won 1st in the homemade craft class!  This much used garden jobs book was made from unwanted ply which I decorated with pyrographic illustrations. As well as a first for 'Farm Life' in the photography class, I had another 1st for a floral arrangement.  I really did some panic picking to achieve all the colour.  Other successes were with watercolours, foliage plant and dahlias.

Despite these successes, we still desperately need your votes as the garden has been shortlisted in 

The Nation's Favourite Garden Competition.

 There is still time to vote here:


3 September 2021

PTC's Twilight Garden by Candlelight MMXXI

What a few weeks it's been!!  Getting ready for our Twilight Garden by Candlelight event is always a hectic few weeks and this year has been no different!!  Chris has clipped perimeter hedges and between us we did the Yew hedges and topiary around the house - not to mention the Bay tree the day before!!  The Bay always makes the biggest mess but this year it rained all day when topiary clipping so everything stuck to everything else make clearing up and even bigger pain!!

Most of August the days have been dull cool and very cloudy and dark.  Luckily for us on the day of our big event, the sun came out!!  Visitors rolled up and when all the sums were done, we made a MASSIVE £2,099.00!! We beat our own personal best!! 

Now a VERY big thank you to Chris who not only ensured the garden was spic and span but together with Ollie and Ian he returned to place 500 tealights, lanterns and candles around the garden.  He also lit some Swedish log candles on the drive which were a great magnet for everyone!

As dusk fell, the garden was magically transformed into an absolute fairyland.  Visitors were both enchanted and entranced!  It certainly ensured that we secured a few more much needed votes (and in case you haven't already voted, you can: VOTE HERE ) 

Greg came up from Harpenden and took turns with Richard on the piano - whilst I couldn't hear the music, I did hear all the applause!! Of course we couldn't do this without all the help so freely given by friends and neighbours.  Our heartfelt thanks go out to them!  Well done team!!