The green and rolling countryside of Worcestershire, England, is home to the cider apple orchards which surround the gardens of Pear Tree Cottage. They enjoy a sunny south westerly aspect with sweeping views across to Martley Hillside, Woodbury and Abberley clock tower. The Teme Valley lies just over the hill and, not far away, is the Herefordshire border. Although our climate is temperate, our seasons are often uncertain and always a challenge to a gardener! This began in 2010 & follows the weekly ups and downs of garden work chronicling both successes and failures but, above all, demonstrates the fun enjoyed by three people who regularly garden in all weathers


24 April 2019

Back to Work and a New Project!

Mowing finished
Having sneaked off down to Cornwall on a 4 day anniversary break, it was out of the car, change, and mow the lawns!!  Unpacking had to wait its turn and wasn't the priority! Lawns edged and mowed, time to sort the vegetable plot out.  Sowing and planting is later than I had hoped but after a few days of hard graft it's all done before the rain.  We came back to a lovely surprise - a mountain of oak wood chip on the drive.  That all had to be barrowed down to the Henclosure for the chickens to enjoy. Chris did the lion's share of lugging.

Both Chri's at work.

Trying it for position.
As well as all this, a new project was commenced!  On a 2 Chris Saturday, a plant theatre began to take shape. As usual, I was in trouble for not drawing the plans that were all in my head!  With 2 shelves for plants and the upper triangle doubling up as a dovecote - it's a dual purpose construction and will  hang on the conservatory wall where one an old Pyracantha grew,   We had some wonderful quarter sawn English oak left over so what nice material in the world to use?  We plan to make a little lead roof and place mirrors at each end of the shelves.  Meanwhile this is how it looks!

A coat of the 'good stuff!'

12 April 2019

Chicken Chat

It's been a while since we looked at output so I've just checked our winter statistics.  Bear in mind that Wilhelmina wasn't laying before she died on 31st March so these stats are from 4 chickens.  As the number of daylight hours increase so does egg production.


Number of Eggs

Sales £

All sales profits go to buying mixed corn, layers pellets and layers mash.  To date no one has worked out exact feed figures but I reckon that in 6 months they've consumed approx 3 bags @ c. £7.50 each.  It's a definite profit which, for short and dark winter days is excellent!  Being such spoilt girls, as well as their usual grit and oyster shell, they are given LOTS of other treats on the side in the way of  fresh fruit, green vegetables, lawn clippings through which they love to scratch.  At intervals, they are also allowed out of their own Bamboo garden to go on slug patrol around the garden.  

We miss Wilhelmina's whiter than white eggs! R.I.P!

9 April 2019

Garden Piano?

Back to the piano! OK a Steinway it isn't! A neighbour down the lane was giving away an old upright and even though I don't play, I've always lived in a house with a piano.  Anyway, thanks to more coincidences than I have time to mention here, it landed in the Pear Hut thanks to Ian (and his unexpected hired van) and both Chris's only one of whom was actually expected.  A tuner is booked for Thursday and in the meantime I removed all panels and as much mildew and dust as I possibly could.  Not a five minute job with a toothbrush between all the hammer levers!  Hopefully if the tuner can do anything at all, they'll be fewer complaints from one's son when he comes home and we'll have a playable piano in the garden. Watch this space!

One thing we never ever have in this garden is a dull moment!!  Soiree anyone??

Moving & Staking!

As well as moving pianos into the Pear Hut(!), real garden work continued in the form of moving Paeonies, Lychnis and a Euonymous in the Lower Border. Things look a little more artistically and evenly spaced as well as affording the Paeonies more direct sunshine - which should mean more flowers! This year, and unusually for us,  we're totally on top of staking and most if not all is done.  

We also moved a small Malus which had had its leader broken in last year's snow. I've decided to grow it on as an espalier along Nutberry Noak fence.

As Chris had strimmed some edges, a quick race round with the lawn mower before we finished and time for drinkies!

31 March 2019

Farewell Wilhelmina

Today we are down to 4 chickens. Sadly Wilhelmina said goodbye to the world. Something was obviously wrong and, after being examined and placed down gently, she suddenly and unexpectedly just keeled over. All's well with the remaining 4 and they are all laying well.

Wilhelmina enjoyed a busy life of luxury and, up until last September, she had laid the most number of eggs. Sometimes, things go wrong with even the most spoiled chickens!

UPDATE: The following day, the Under Gardener performed an autopsy and found poor Wilhelmina had a massive tumour (the size of a large lemon) near her bladder.  At least we now have an explanation for her demise. Given the size of the tumour, I'm amazed that she was able to eat and function as well and, for as long, as she did.

(Maybe I should point out that those are petals on the ground beside her and definitely NOT feathers!)

Wilhelmina R.I.P.

26 March 2019

Spring Garden Work

The Top Lawn

Thank goodness, the gales and squalls have stopped!  Whilst enjoying the cool sunshine, there's been much, mowing, edging, weeding and tidying.  Chris has even finished emptying the compost bay and our under gardener turned out to creosote the inside before last year's accumulation is turned over and into the empty bay.

Looking unusually tidy for March!
The Magnolia is in full bloom and the Woodland Border is full of colour from Narcissus, Hellebores, Euphorbias, Anemones, Pulmonarias and Epimediums with Lilies-of-the Valley next in line.

Thanks to the warm February, never have we been this far ahead!

18 March 2019

The Great Azorean Experiment - Fumigation Phase II

5 minutes after lighting the fire
10am the following morning & all clear.

Having found an infestation of greenfly in the greenhouse; I put phase II of my fumigation smoke experiment into action.  Again I burnt some damp leaves in a handy little brazier inside the greenhouse with both doors and all windows closed.  This time, instead of an hour, I left a totally smoke filled greenhouse overnight. 

When I say totally smoke filled, I mean it! Visibility was down to 9" so I definitely couldn't see what was happening through the dense and choking smoke but, by morning, all was clear and I swept up the ashes.  All plants are completely unharmed by this long exposure to such dense smoke.  From now on, I shall be keeping a very close eye on pests.

Having scoured the internet, I have been unable to find any information on doing this anywhere at all. As I explained in my earlier post, this is a method of fumigation used by the Head Gardener in charge of pineapple cultivation in the Azores. There, they burnt the dead pineapple leaves inside the houses to kill pests.  Unfortunately, the language barrier meant I couldn't ask many questions and I wonder how frequently this is done. If anyone has any information on this practice, I'd be absolutely delighted to hear.  If successful, it has to be better than fumigating with chemicals so noxious that all plant material needs to be removed!